Non-Surgical Facelift in Glasgow
As we all get older, a multitude of factors interact together stimulating changes in our face. These include changes to the skin, collagen, muscles and bones. Unsurprisingly, most of us like to limit these changes and seek help on how best to do this. Many do draw a line at surgery and want to explore what alternatives are available. Fortunately, there are some very good solutions. If you would like to discuss these options please book an appointment with one of our practitioners who will be happy to advise you.
What is it?
This is a combination of different therapies including threads and dermal filler injections in order to give yourself a more youthful appearance. The aim to make you a better version of yourself rather than make you look done.
What does it involve?
There is no set regime as all packages are tailored to suit your own needs. There are different techniques to help improve your own areas of concern. Typically speaking most patients opt for combinations of the following:
Threads (One Stitch Facelift)
Botox Injections
Dermal Fillers
Skin Boosters
Depending on your time frame we may stagger this over several visits or you could opt to have it all treated on one visit. We use a special instrument called a Phi Protractor to ensure that all the dimensions of your face are in proportion and we never over fill. The aim is to restore any lost volume and enhance your look.
Does a non-surgical facelift give the same result as a surgical facelift?
The short answer is No. They involve two very different procedures.
The surgical facelift is for pulling back the skin, making it tighter, lifting certain areas and even cutting away excess tissue. You usually require time off work for this procedure.
The non surgical facelift is designed to fill in certain gaps that have occurred through the ageing process such as the jowls, tear troughs, temples, nose to mouth lines etc. This gives the appearance of a more symmetrical and youthful appearance without actually having any surgery. In some cases using Profhilo may even lift the jowl region due to its ability to promote collagen synthesis therefore reconditioning the skin. You require no time off, the results are instant and you can get back to work the next day.
How much does it cost & how long does it last?
This varies from person to person. Our pricing structure for fillers is very simple. Its £150 for the first 0.5ml then £100 per 0.5ml thereafter. Our One Stitch Facelift Procedure starts from £1600. The results can last up to 18 months with minor adjustments usually needed at that stage as oppose to the whole treatment needing redoing. Why not send us your pictures via Facebook, Instagram or email us to see what we think. Depending how much product and what area is treated, results can last anything from 4 months upwards to 1 year.